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Five Safe Fingers



Erly Ambito Leosala
Kalpana Kishorekumar
Truong Ho Tram Anh
Pham Phuoc Hien

"Children should be more aware on the real scenario about the issue in their community and for them to know what are the things they need to do to prevent the case and/or to help other abused children."


"Students need recognize the real scenario about this problem to develop skills to prevent it."









"Children have rights to be recognized and they deserved to be treated like one. This project is a good avenue for people to show their concern to the glaring issues of Child abuse in South East Asia and beyond."
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"The child sexual abuse is tent to increase sharply in developing country. In my opinion, this problem is caused by some factors and it should be dealt with by some effective solutions. "
"Childhood sexual abuse is almost everywhere and it is empirical for us to protect our children. It is our responsibility to educate our children about the abusers and manipulators. Teach them to be brave and to say ‘No’!."

"Children should know how to advocate for themselves and each other as well as how to identify people within their community that can help and support them."
"Students should be able to report to the concerned person in case of any child sexual abuse. The role of parents and teachers is very important to keep their child save from sexual abuse. Types of abuse and how to react and respond and communicate are important factors."

"Sexual abuse can happen to children of any race and socioeconomic background. It is our responsibility to find ways and means to enlightened our communities with sexual abuse on children. We can prevent the spread of child sexual abuse. Together we can do it."

United Kingdom
"If a child is the result of unconditional love between two adults, it will receive love, attention, respect and protection and it will draw this values in its life, expecting that every living being will respond to this picture. This project is not only to educate them about the topic of „sexual abuse“, it’s about giving them the right tools to find their happiness and to be able to unfold a dignified live! Children are our future."

"We need to think seriously on such issues."



"The best way to combat child abuse is information. Empowering children and society is a way of actively trying to protect our young people and the future of our world."

"Children are nurtured naturally by their older generations around them. They have the rights to be protected and to acquire knowledge on how to protect themselves. Humans are made of happiness and tears. Don't let tears fade away humanity!."

South Africa
"Awareness of sexual abuse, rape, early marriage and human trafficking . Children mostly girls are the most targeted."



"In a world where humanity is being less cored for, it is time to start standing for values that may bring hope to future generations. Let's start with children and help prevent them being abused."
"It's a topic that cannot be discussed in public particularly in Asia Pakistan. A lot of children I see need help. Parents are shy and unaware to speak to their children about it. I myself was as well but had to inform my kid at the age of 12 I- e last year about the kind of changes you will see in yourself and others from now onwards. So instead of asking others I am sure you will ask me incase of any queries. Yes, this is a grave issue that can ruin a child's personality !"




"I think that it's very important to give children the necessary information about sexual abuse because it helps them to know protect themselves."
"Children need to be taught about sexual abuse so they stay safe. We teach them other safety tools for riding a bikes or crossing a street safely. Straightforward information about child abuse should be one of those important topics as well."
"Help students spread the word about child sexual abuse and ways of helping sexually abused children."
"Talking about Child Sexual Abuse is imperative as the impact of such unfortunate incidents can be extremely damaging and can scar the victim for life."
"I believe that Five Safe Fingers project will provide students necessary knowledge to grown up safe and healthy."
"Many cases of child sexual abuse have resulted in serious psychological and physiological consequences for victims. Create urgent among the people. In order to minimize the consequences of this crime, it is necessary to have a specific view on this type of criminality and to take necessary measures to contribute to the prevention of such crimes. "
"Do not just be knowledgeable, let's try to get them to be aware of this problem."
"Most child sexual abuse occurs within the family. Although it is certainly true that child abuse occurs outside the home, most often children are abused by a caregiver or someone they know, not a stranger. Therefor, we need to teach children skills to protect themselves"
"Child abuse is common social problems worldwide. Child sexual abuse can result in immediate physical effects but it is also strongly associated with psychological effects, including subsequent ill-health.
So, adults should teach children how to prevent abuser..."


"I think we should do our best to give the students all things that they are worthy, especially c about child sexual abuse. I love my job as a teacher and want to put my heart in all that I am doing that helps studnet have good not only physical but also metal."




Sri Lanka


"Five Save Fingers (FSF) is not just a project but a life. It is not only meaningful to children but also means to us all."


"All the children in the world have the right to be safe and happy. I would like to contribute towards the cause."


"We need to empower our children and students by sharing good knowledge and training them to be vigilant, aware and strong when sexual abuse situations arise. They need to know there are people who care about them and support them, but the person they must first and foremost always be confident in is themselves."



"Let`s face the truth: child abuse can be found in each and every country and socioeconomic background. We have to foster the awareness how to stay safe, how to react and how to help. We have to educate students and teachers!"
"Our children need to aware about the child sexual abuse scenario which can happen physically as well as virtually via the Internet."

"It's quite important for us to realize how child sexual abuse affect badly to children both physically and mentally. It's we, adults, that prevent it and protect children."
"I think this project is a useful guideline to help children in shaping their protective skills against sexual abuse!"
"Children of any age, any country should be instructed in the prevention of sexual buse. Children are taught these skills as soon as possible. So for me, this is a very useful/meaningful project. The project makes me, as a mother, feel more secure about my child; as a teacher, I am more confident in the face of the innocent eyes of children because I've helped them know how to protect themselves."
"Children is our future, so, this project can help them solve the child sexual abuse issuse that is harmful children not only physical but also mental."
"There is still a gender bias in society today. Men are more valued than women. In some places there is also a situation where children are sexually abused. Children like young leaf on branches. So how do we do to children not victims of that situation. This project helps children find ways to protect their loved ones and themselves, and offer solutions to prevent child sexual abuse because of a healthy living environment where children are developed fully."
"Do not keep silent! Let's speak up to stop child sexual abuse."
"This project will teach our children how to protect themselves when they aren't with us."
"There's no intervention, start with prevention!"
"Students need recognize the real scenario about this problem to develop skills to prevent it."

"As an ICT Teacher, I am always telling my classes to be careful of what they post online, especially via any social media. There are people who will use this for cyberbullying, online grooming as well as blackmail you into doing things that might make you feel unpleasant or uncomfortable. Keep safe!"


"It is necessary to increase awareness among children and parents of this problem and to instill confidence in children to talk about what happens to them when they are exposed to this crime and to develop legislation and strict laws criminalizing this crime."

"The prevalence of child sexual abuse is far greater than what is reported to authorities, because it is often not reported."

"We must definetly help them become aware of all kind of possible dangers."

"It's important to encourage children not to be afraid to speak up."

"All of boys and girl should know all types of child sexual abuse. And they should be trained how to react when they are in sexual abuse situation."

"By teaching children about sexual abuse is the best way to keep them safe. I think this project will provide a great platform for the stakeholder, the child ,to voice their greatest fears and for the teacher to address the issue openly in a child friendly environment. "
"Sexual abuse issue could be educated as a life skill in schools and social organizations to make it less sensitive and more practical. Educators are advanced by developing digital open-material resources like games, books, videos to accelerate the raising awareness process about the case more effectively. "
"Truly, I've never heard so many informations about the abused sexual in my country like this moment. It’s a condemned action. The children abused sexual is not only affected with their physical but also seriously their mind and even their future. So how do we help the chirlren to recognize the bad guy? As a teacher, the parents need give them more warning signals and the skills to prevent this problem effectively. "
"With the concept of "Children is the happiness of every family, the future of the country," protecting and caring for children is the responsibility of the whole society. This project has a very important and urgent humanitarian role at the moment: focusing on educating children about sexual abuse prevention skills, teaching children about the sense of self-defense against child sexual abuse . "



"In today's world children must be aware what is happening with them and they must learn to fight against abuse."


"Some children aren't aware of the abuses they go through, we need to empower them and provide them a voice to share and grow in a safe environment."

"In today's world children must be aware what is happening with them and they must learn to fight against abuse."

"When sexual education was hidden then it was not matter but when we try to make awareness then it increase. we need to stop showing erotic action in any kind of media. which may be easy accesable buy children. just age limitation is not enough for it. we need to punished adviser who brought it. Only religious binding can solve the problems."
"Children should be more aware on the real fact."
"Children should know that they may have problems, especially those who do not live with their biological parents. They should know that they can count on their teachers."
"Children at young age should be taught about good touch and bad touch."


"I think it is an important topic but I also know that some of the students in my classes have been abused so not sure what impact that this might have on them if they are involved."
"We must educate our children about child abuse and prevent them and trained regarding any unpleasant movement of people."
"There is so much need about child abuse specially in rural areas of Pakistan. Aware must be created through different this bring positive change in our society for children."
"Children should be aware of the ways against child abuse specially girls should aware of the techniques of self defenc against child abuse."


"Children must be empowered so abuse does not take place easily; we as part of the community must work in our capacity to ensure safety and wellbeing of children and help them to protect themselves too."

"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an we should protect our children from bad society because man is a social animalo protect themselves too."



"We as educators or teachers should care and share our students to know about Child Abuse because it is important for them to understand as life skills."

Slovak Republic
"It is important that we openly discuss with the pupils and build confidence. If pupils feel confident, they will open to the teacher. Find opportunities to promote the pupil's trustworthiness towards the teacher and how the teacher will be able to help the pupil."

"Parents must be enlightened first and be the link to focus on the issue and alert them and make the child aware of the danger that may surround him or how to protect himself and avoid being a threat or danger"

"As educators we play an outstanding part in keeping students safe from harm and abuse.We should create safe learning environments, identifying pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and then taking suitable action."





"Most child abuse occurs within the family. Risk factors include parental depression or other mental health issues, a parental historian of childhood any, and domestic violence. Children should be more aware on the real scenario about the issue in their community and for them to know what are the things they need to do to prevent the case and/or to help other abused children."
"Community should be informed about childrend needs in this case of abuse .They have to know how they can help to prevent and how they can be a help for these childrens ."

"Children are the future of our world, so we will teach them the skill that need to live their life for next century and also keep them far from all of the bad treatments just like a "CHILD ABUSE" . Parents and teacher are important to tech and protect the dangerous things that can harmful our child."

"Some kids do not have the courage to speak up if they encourter the case of child abuse. To help the kids how to go through it, as a teacher, it is an important issue for help kids know how to face and deal with the problem."

"Children must not hide such situations, and they must always have someone who can carry their problems and who can help them"

"This is a really important issue that's affecting children all over the world, unfortunately. We have to teach all children the difference between right and wrong so that they can help themselves and other children."

"I think adults should protect the children of the world and we must teach children how to protect themselves from abuse. Some adults must be educated on how to protect our children from abuse."

Puerto Rico
"All children, as young adolescents, should be aware of any type of abuse done to them and other. Each is responsible, as a community, to communicate and promote awareness on this subject. It is important that every person should know the laws that protects them and how to react, as well as, what to do in a case where them or others are in danger. It is everyone's responsibility and commitment of this matter."
"Children must aware to protect themselves for many possibilities of being abused. Champain this project will help tehm to clearly understand what should do to save them."

"This project inspires dialogue that empowers children to protect themselves, helps victims to heal, and mitigate cycles of abuse. All educators need to think of ways to safely incorporate this type of learning into any curricular area."

"In the world we live in today, it's so very important that children are aware, without being frightened, of these issues, so that they know how to stay safe and to ask for help if anything were to happen. It's our job to give them the tools and the knowledge to do this."

"Children must be protected by us adults, but a the same time they must be taught and made aware that danger exist. They must learn to recognize when, they are in danger so that they too can avoid it and they can also protect themselves."

"It was a great project to educate our students and make them aware with this issue."

"Children should know about their rights."

"Children need to be senstise from early years. They should be more alert from there close ones too .They should know the real situations."
"I was really heartbroken after watching the movie "Silenced" made by Hwang Dong - Hyuk, Korea. The children in that film are sexually abuse in a pitiful way. Children are innocent and should be protected more than anyone. Children are the future of our world, ít is neccessary to teach them the skills to stay away from all of the bad treatments just like "Children Abuse". Not only parents but also teacher are important factors to teach and protect the children from the potential dangers that can be harmful for our children!""
"Children are the future of the country, so caring, educating and protecting children are the responsibility of every one, every family and society."

"It is highly important to raise awareness about child abuse. Adults have an obligation to protect those who are more vulnerable. Children should be prepared to stand up to those who intend to hurt them."
"Children should be more aware on the real scenario about the issue."

South Africa
"Child sexual abuse is a problem across cultures, race, religion and etc it is therefore important to host campaigns to make children aware and help them deal with the problem. Teach them ways to avoid and protect themselves against perpetrators."
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