Five Safe Fingers

Five Safe Fingers
- Teachers participating in the project (ambassadors) share personal insights with colleagues, sharing resources for the community: slides, video, ...
- Students understand and have knowledge of sexual abuse, from which skills are avoided
- Develop 21st century skills: cooperation, thinking, using techonology, global citizen
- Develop language skills for students: presentation skills, skills in using English
- This project also meets one of the UN Sustainability Development Goals: Peace
* For teachers participating as speakers:
- Week 1: Teachers introduce themselves, share their thoughts about sexual abuse with a short video in Flipgrid
+ Flipgrid link: https://flipgrid.com/198e8e
+ Intruction: Click on the "Add a responded" box to record the video
- The remaining weeks:
+ Sharing sexual abuse prevention skills when requested from classes (via Skype).
+ Sharing resources relating to the project (if any)
* For the classes involved in the project:
- Week 1: Introduction
+ Teacher introduces students to their participation in the global project: project name, content, participating classes, project website, ..
Link: https://flipgrid.com/198e8e
+ Take a class photo (put in the notebook), record a short video introducing the class in FlipGrid
+ If you post to Twitter, do not forget to use the hashtag #enoughCSA and @mrnamvas
- Week 2: Exploring knowledge
Teachers tell students about child sexual abuse: right understanding about child sexual abuse, the ways to prevent, etc. ..For young students, teachers suggest some links. With older students, they learn by their own knowledge
+ Teachers share about sexual assault prevention or invite an ambassador to help (via Skype): https://mrnamvas.wixsite.com/fivesafefingers/get_involved (click on the email icon to send the request or send a request to nam.ngovas@outlook.com
- Week 3: Product realization
+ Students make outcomes (presentationss, videos, brochures, flyers, essays, photobooks, paintings, .. about the ways to present sexual abuse and sharing into notebooks.)
Suggestion tools:
- Week 4: Connection & sharing
+ Students Skype with other classes to share their outcomes, ask questions,
- Week 5: "Voice of Children" campaign
+ Teachers and students will take pictures with the slogan #Say NO to Child Sexual Abuse and post pictures to the campaign padlet or record speech #I say NO to Child Sexual Abuse and post to Flipgrid of the project.